This is the site where your company forges its identity. Whether you have a few ideas or none, we can hammer out a brand for you. Usually, this process starts with a logo. Create a logo? Yes, we are the logo maker. Once it’s done, we can expand from there. We offer a lot of graphic design services not pictured here. See the portfolio site for the biggest hit. The homepage or “showcase” displays significant and recent work. The “depth of work” page is organized into deliverables and industries in their respective columns in alphabetical order. If you see something you like there, great, we can quote on it. You may need only a business card or you may need a comprehensive brand. Need a web design? We can do that too.
What this site is not: An auto-bot logo generator.
Can you get it cheaper? Sure. Will you get what you pay for? Sure.
Instead, real humans create unique designs for your unique business.
These are:
We designed our first website in the year 2000. Sure, it was a little funky but eventually it led to more sophisticated sites. We like to use commercial templates like Squarespace and others, for stability, but we offer custom coding with our partners if desired. Also, see fully built brand guides, for when budget allows. If those look a little too comprehensive, we can scale it down to a page or two to get you started. Why a brand guide? Because you can send it to all your vendors to keep your brand consistent across all items.
What have you hammered out lately, you may ask? Well, right below are some Trending Designs, B2C (Business to Consumer) and B2B (Business to Business)
Bang. Get it? Whether you have your own ideas or are open to our input, you can expect great customer service that fits your style; or with a smile; or maybe with some other clichés. In any case, our customers say it better, take a look at what they say about our work.
How to create a logo. Will it hurt? No, actual hammers will NOT be used. We will start with a short logo questionnaire. This makes the process more efficient once the questions are answered. Here are the deets.
“Tacks” Ha! What will it cost? Here’s where the rubber meets the road. (We’ve run out of hammer puns.) Go to the “prices” page and see basic packages and some free applications for your new logo. These are subject to change, so put the hammer down and get one. (Found another pun from the 1970s).
Thinking about the past, we have to mention Blockbuster Videos. Yes, our owner created the original logo and brand identity design in 1985 and it lasted a couple of years until the company grew and they needed to simplify it.
Sure there are logos here, but we do all kinds of things. Graphic things. Ad things. Digital and print things. Scary good things.
See our pages on website design and photo restoration. While we're on the subject of other cool things, let's talk about:
This is typically implemented as a brand guide. As much as we'd like you to use Logo Hammer for everything always, there may be another company you use that will need brand guidance. For some, it's as simple as a one-page brief. Other companies need more depth. In this link, are two of the more complex versions. This goes to my portfolio site, but this window will remain open.
You may be wondering, how much is a one-page brand guide? We're glad you asked. See our Prices page for details.
Warning: This content contains flashing lights that may trigger purchasing in individuals with photosensitive buying patterns.